“It all started with…

the Ocean. I credit Her for it all.”

Lex Weinstein is a surfer, grassroots activist, storyteller and spiritual ecologist dedicated to the collective remembering of our intrinsic belonging as nature. Her documentations of surf culture through the lens of earth stewardship encourage honoring the indigenous roots of surfing, ecopsychology principles, and an ethos of radical collective joy in the face of adversity. In 2013, she completed her Permaculture Design Certification and later accepted a friend’s invitation to homestead on the North Shore of Kaua’i to immerse in an environmental studies of her own invention: farming and surfing. From there, the concept of Sea + Soil surf and garden club was born, and her passion for environmental justice became a pathway to grassroots reparations + healing of people and planet. In 2021 she founded the collective as an official nonprofit on a mission to reconnect and regenerate ecosystems and community, and has hosted garden parties with large groups on tribal lands and rehabilitation clinics throughout North County, San Diego. Lex is the face of Billabong Women’s first ever eco-friendly collection as a sustainability advocate and consultant, is a writer for international surf magazines such as The Surfers Journal, Wavelengths UK, and Honey Japan, and holds space as a facilitator of nature therapies through creative counseling, tarot meditations and a multitude of intuitive healing arts.